Monday, October 8, 2012

3 month growth spurt

The closet clean out was a success.  In the midst of our baby's 3 month growth spurt (what a nightmare), we managed to get 4 huge trash bags full of clothes, shoes, and bedding off to Goodwill.  It was nice to get rid of so much.  We both felt as though we could have donated a lot more, but it was hard to get rid of EVERYTHING!

The clean out inspired me to also clean out the medicine cabinet/medicine basket of all expired meds and vitamins.  We had things we were saving that expired over 5 years ago.  I hope this clean out continues onto other parts of the house soon. 

As I mentioned, we are in the midst of the 3 month growth spurt or possible teething madness.  Griffin has been harder and harder to please.  He has been screaming through the evening walk, screaming while in his car seat, and in general a very fussy baby.  This is a huge change from the easy, calm, happy baby we used to have.  

For instance, typically he eats every 3-4 hours.  Yesterday we were lucky to make it 2 1/2 hours.  He was crying so much.  Here he is eating in the car while Jeremy checks out a new video game shop!
You can see he had been crying for a long time.  Poor boy. On the bright side, he is getting interested in holding his own bottle so we started him on the Piyo Piyo drink set that I mentioned here

He is also napping shorter, but seems more tired.  All we will be able to do is stick it out.  Should be over soon!  He also might be teething, but its hard to know.  More on teething tomorrow...

Here is a link on some info on the 3 month growth spurt.

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